Why am I?

This is a question I ponder daily. The conclusion I most often come up with is that I am here against my will. I am waiting for an appropriate time to solve that. Read in to that what you will. I am the third adopted child to John and Marjorie Jackson. My brother, the oldest, lives outside of San Bernadino in So. California. My sister lives here in Washington State on the Olympic Peninsula, in a town called Poulsbo. I currently live in Tacoma. (It's the City of Destiny.) I've been here for almost 8 years. I used to desperately want to live in Seattle. For the time being I can't afford such a move, even if I did want to go. All my energies are currently spent just staying sane and alive--literally. Most days I'm okay, but sometimes I just lose it, becoming very black and stormy inside. Oddly enough, I'm black and stormy looking on the outside almost all the time. I hold a class B commercial drivers license and drive a truck for a living. Before that, I was part of the computer industry where I spent a few years until I grew tired of the bullshit ("They're not idiots, they're users."), and the Microsoftication of everything. I am also a vegetarian. I have been for years now. It's not because I give a rip about the animals (Paul McCartney and that bitch wife of his can kiss my ass). I'm not some crystal rubbin' hippie freak. Rather, it's a health and quality of life issue. I just feel better. Besides, I don't have a shred of biological medical history. I don't know what I am predisposed to. There are philosophical reasons in there, too, of course. Such as it takes sixteen pounds of grains and soybeans to produce one pound of cow meat. It just doesn't make sense that we push meat so much when there are people right in this country that go hungry every day. But, I digress. (If you want to learn more about Vegetarian stuff there is a link on my "other links" page. And remember, I'm not in this for the animal rights aspects although almost all of the Veg world is.)

Back to the Seattle topic for a moment...
Seattle has some of the most ridiculous rent prices in the country. US$500. will get you a dirty studio apartment in a shoddy building in a bad part of town. Now that's my idea of a deal... The city has the heartless and profiteering Development Industry to thank for that. Most of us have heard of the story where a developer buys an apartment building, throws everybody out, then turns the place in to condos. Happens in Seattle all the time. Most of the buildings that's happened to were once low-income housing. Many of the people find themselves homeless after being kicked out. Others are forced to leave the city that is simply getting too expensive for the working class. All for the sake of a greasy buck. That is probably one of the greatest crimes in the country. Ain't our system great...?

Full Moon The woman you see here is names Nora Rainey. Soon it Will be Nora Jackson. Yes, this is my girlfriend and fiancee. She works at the hospital behind my apartments. That's where we met. The story is that the hospital has an esspresso bar that is open from 1am until 8pm every night. Nora works there on the weekends, and fills in from her regular job during the week. I started getting coffee there after work every once in a while. I went up there one day during the time she was filling in, and met her for the first time. It took a while but we started talking. One thing led to another and we fell in love. She is incredible. She is also studying to be a registered nurse. We are planning on being wed 16 January, 1999. This is still kinda tentative on a few things we need to figure out. Purely logistical stuff. I don't really know what else to say without turning this in to a bad romance novel. So, I guess that's enough. I love you babe.

My father, to whom this site is dedicated, died 2 January 1996 at 72. He'd be tickled to see himself on such a global medium. He tried so hard to learn the basics about computers. Whenever I would go down to Eugene to visit, I would get so frustrated with him for sitting and playing solitaire like it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. For someone who lived through the Depression, I guess it was. He did use TurboTax and Quicken like nobody's business, though. He was also taking continuing ed classes on computer basics. He once told me, "I waited seventy-one years to have one of these, and I'm gonna get as much out of it as I can." In fact, I think I still have some of his notes and text books around my apartment somewhere. So, solitaire or not, he really was making the effort. I just couldn't get him to hang out at the dos-prompt enough. :)