Welcome to the presonal web site of Andrew M. Jackson: Writings, Photos, Links, and Me.
This site depends on the use of frames.
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Because of this, it is not possible for you continue.
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have frames disabled. If this is the case your set!
These links will take you to the
Opera Web Browser,
web sites where you can get browsers that will view frames.
A word about Opera:
This is a free browser that is ad driven. It can also be purchased. Purchasing Opera will get rid of the banner ads that infringe upon you. They are an eye-sore, but supporting an idependent browser that works great (Well, it won't run the windows update site--go figure--much beyond loading the welcome page. But I use IE for that. Besides, on Linux who cares...!) is fun. It is definitely worth purchasing. The license lasts a long time. I bought a license for rev 6, and if Opera continues to do what they did with rev 5. it could likely be some years before I have to buy an updated license at a discount. Yes, I bought my copy. So, except to check for updates on a windows box, Opera is all I usually run. If you are for some reason on a text-only terminal then I guess it's Lynx and Doom for you. ;)
See ya soon!